
A primary aim of the 疼痛研究中心 is to increase the number of neuroscience investigators at UNE and to build a research community that will sustain a vibrant and competitive research center. 作为这个目标的一部分, the Center funds the research efforts of talented and innovative investigators leading projects related to pain and sensory function.

The goal of this funding is to provide these investigators with the support necessary to develop their novel research projects to the point where each can be independently funded with its own separate federal grant. 迄今为止,已有四名调查人员收到 独立的资金.

Two U N E students hold a slide up to the light



Painful neonatal trauma alters subsequent fear and sensory function via changes in amygdalar


Director, School of Social and Behavioral 科学s


迈克尔·伯曼博士.D., 检验假设 that neonatal trauma alters the development of a subset of neurons in the amygdala, which can put an individual at increased risk later in life for a variety of conditions such as anxiety disorders, 创伤后应激障碍, 抑郁症, 慢性疼痛.


Novel expression of MHC class II on DRG neurons can directly activate CD4+ T cells contributing to the resolution of neuropathic pain.


Assistant 教授, Department of Biomedical 科学s, COM


戴安娜·古德博士.D., 检验假设, that sensory neurons expressing MHC II can activate CD4+ T cells to stimulate the paracrine release of anti-inflammatory cytokines.


曹玲,M.D., Ph.D., professor, Department of Biomedical 科学s, College of 整骨疗法的医学

项目标题: Interaction between calcitonin-gene-related-peptide and CD40 on CNS glial cells in neuropathic pain

曹玲,M.D., Ph.D., studies the interaction between the immune system and the nervous system, exploring the impact of immune cells on pain stemming from nerve injury.

Received R01 Grant July 2016 and Graduated from the COBRE

杰弗里·甘特博士.D., professor, School of Biological 科学s, 文理学院

项目标题: Genes involved in antinociception in 黑腹果蝇

杰弗里·甘特博士.D., 在果蝇中使用全基因组筛选, 黑腹果蝇, to identify novel genes involved in perception of noxious stimuli.


塔玛拉·金博士.D., professor, Department of Biomedical 科学s, College of 整骨疗法的医学 

项目标题: The role of spinal disinhibition in cancer-induced bone pain

塔玛拉·金博士.D., will examine neural mechanisms underlying cancer bone pain, focusing on the role of altered signaling by inhibitory interneurons within the spinal cord in mediating cancer bone pain. Understanding the role of disinhibition in cancer-induced bone pain will reveal potential novel targets for the development of alternative non-opioid therapies for breakthrough pain.

Promoted to 行为的核心 Director June 2021

雷雷,博士.D., associate professor, School of Biological 科学s, 文理学院

项目标题: Function of the transcription factor Sox11 in regulating the plasticity of nociceptive neurons after nerve injury

雷雷,博士.D., studies the development of nociceptive neurons, with a particular focus on the transcription factors regulating the plasticity of these neurons following peripheral nerve injury.

Co-collaborator on R01 Grant and Graduated from the COBRE in July 2016

本杰明·哈里森博士.D., assistant professor, Department of Biomedical 科学s, College of 整骨疗法的医学 

项目标题: Genetic control of nociceptor anatomical plasticity in the adult peripheral nervous system

本杰明·哈里森博士.D.他研究神经元生长的机制. His COBRE project is geared to understand how RNA-binding proteins (RBPs) regulate the growth of pain receptors.


Christoph Straub博士.D., assistant professor, Department of Biomedical 科学s, College of 整骨疗法的医学

项目标题: Oxytocin signaling in nucleus accumbens GABAergic interneurons in chronic pain

Christoph Straub博士.D., will characterize oxytocin signaling in nucleus accumbens GABAergic interneurons ex vitro. The study will also examine the activity of NAc GABAergic interneurons in chronic pain in behaving animals.



Ian Meng的大头照
教授, Department of Biomedical 科学s, COM
Director, 神经科学卓越中心
Russell Ferland的大头照